![]() www.dorsetvictimsupport.org www.policeinefficiency.com |
Ken Cook of Christchurch, Dorset |
I can now give you more or less the full story of my latest horror story about Dorset Police corruption. I have had to wait this long as they took so long to investigate my motorbike road accident which I suffered way back at the beginning of February so that when I finally got the outcome of whether they were going to prosecute the driver of the car involved I was into July and the outcome was so corrupt as was the so called investigation, that I was forced to open up an official complaint about PC Browns investigation. The civilian (ex cop... what else??) doing the investigation also has taken an age. The facts are these; I was travelling along Southbourne Rd and was coming up to a mini roundabout indicating I was turning right into Beaufort Rd. A car was approaching the same roundabout from in front of me and arrived at the same time as me. It became evident that he had no intention to give way and in fact he accelerated (he admitted this in his statement and his excuse was that he felt he got there first and he could clear the roundabout before me, so in his mind it was a 'race') Naturally my mind faced with this alarming situation went into overdrive and I immediately slammed on my brakes. Now on a bike if you are going quite slow, doing this will bring your speed down so quickly that what happens is that you have no time to get your feet down to stop you falling over and off the bike. This is what happened to me and I was very quickly ejected off the bike to the right and slammed onto the road, landing heavily on my right knee and wrist. The bike slid along on its side for a few feet and stopped at the edge of the roundel. My helmet stopped me from getting killed as my head also slammed into the road. I lay there knowing that I had some broken bones and people were fussing around and calling for an ambulance and police. A woman approached me and told me she had seen everything and I was not at fault and she would act as a witness for me. She asked me for my phone number and said she would ring me that evening. Once in the ambulance the police eventually made an appearance and I said to one of them 'I hope you are going to charge that driver with dangerous driving' the answer was and in a tone of voice that immediately told me I had a copper here that was being partial 'he said ' well the driver says you were cutting the roundabout' So in effect what he was saying was, 'forget about road laws which state you have to give way to your right on ANY type of roundabout' This means that a car driver can ignore signals of turning right and plough on even if the car is cutting the roundabout (which happens 90% of the time on these stupid roundabouts). Even if the person cutting is a cyclist or a motor cyclist and both vulnerable road users. Plus the fact that the utter stupidity of that statement means that had I been cutting the roundabout I would have cut across his path and he would have had no chance to avoid me AND I and my bike would have been on the wrong side of the road IE on the right hand carriageway. Events after I had been carted off to hospital where it was found I had a broken right wrist, heavily bruised right side ribs and knee, went slowly with this PC Brown bloke carrying on in a way that I knew was incorrect procedurally. He should have called at my home, given me a contact card, taken a statement off me and told me he would ring me often to keep me updated. None of that happened and all he did was ring me to tell me who he was and that he would be investigating. Over a total of about 5 weeks he rang me only three times and I never knew exactly at what stage he was at and on the third call at the end of Feb he still had not taken a statement off me. I had to tell him that if I did not give my version of events he would be acting partially and that was against the rules and that I had a right to have my side taken down. All this was telling me that he wasn't interested in my side just as he displayed at the scene of the accident. It ended up in a shouting match in order to make him understand that I wasn't having this and I demanded to be heard. He eventually agreed to take a statement at Boscombe Police Station and this took place a few days later. I took a witness with me just to make sure there was no shenanigans. His attitude was atrocious and cocky and he intimated once again I was at fault and all this was a waste of time. On leaving the station my friend told me he knew this cocky sod as he assaulted him one evening on the pretext that he was out of order, slammed his arm up his back etc etc and all because my friend had seen in the dark shadows this cop trying a car door handle and had thought someone was trying to break in as he could not see who it was. So he had shouted at him to leave it alone. For that he got a £60 fine for disorder. Now my friend is a very honest upright business person with no record whatsoever and a very laid back personality not prone to any trouble making! I now knew what type of cop I was being forced to have to deal with. A few weeks went by and still I had not heard from PC Brown as to whether he had finished his investigation. I had to ring the Police general phone line at around the end of March to find that he had concluded his investigation, sent it into the 'Crash Desk' department who deal with accidents and who determine who is to blame etc and then will let you know the outcome. They would contact me, yet another month went by and I was now into early May. I had to ring (10th May) to find out why I had not been notified. I was told they had sent me a letter some weeks back and when I told them had I received it I would not be ringing, I was told they would send another. That was date the 11th May and it told me EXACTLY what I thought they would say. Namely in a nutshell that they would not be charging the driver. However the lies and bullshit they came out with has to be seen to be believed. They obviously believed they were dealing with an idiot that would swallow all their lies and bull. So let me fill you in on a little of my background. I am not a 17 year old tearaway on a bike, but a 71 year old forced to have to go back to my youth and riding bikes because I am now thanks to to our corrupt State and our wonderful Establishment, virtually penniless and only on a State pension.(but that is another huge story) However I have a lifetime of experience on the roads of this World having travelled over my lifetime in over 50 countries and on some of the worlds worse and most dangerous roads. I was in the RAF Police and trained to drive by the met Police at Hendon to drive cars. I was a driving instructor in Sydney and Perth, Australia and then London for six years before going into my own businesses in the car trade in 1970. I specialised in restoring and building hand made sportscars and have driven them at speeds up to 160 mph. I have raced them as well. IN ALL THESE YEARS AND ON ALL THOSE AWFULL ROADS, I NEVER HAD ONE ACCIDENT! Yet some God awful old bastard driver ( he was the same age as me) nearly kills me not half a mile from my home JUST BECAUSE HE WAS TOO LAZY TO SLOW DOWN AND GIVE WAY AS REQUIRED BY LAW, ON A ROUNDABOUT TO A VEHICLE COMING FROM HIS RIGHT!! To top that it has become painfully clear to me that he was obviously known to those cops BECAUSE THE WAY THEY AND THE CRASH DESK HAVE BEHAVED, SHOW CLEARLY THAT MUST BE THE CASE....OTHERWISE WHY HAVE THEY OBVIOUSLY PULLED OUT EVERY STOP TO 'PROTECT' HIM????? He was either an ex cop or an ex civilian working for the police or he knows them or someone in the police or finally HE IS ANOTHER OF ONE OF THOSE OBNOXIOUS MEMBERS OF THE SECRET SOCIETY WITH THE FUNNY HANDSHAKES ETC!!! To which many cops belong to, and mainly the most corrupt ones. So bearing the above in mind, this is what they actually came out with; Firstly I was told that the case was one of 'driving without due care & attention' AND for that to be proved, more than 'faulty' had to be proved! “Oh I see, so deliberately ignoring the clear law that states 'YOU HAVE TO GIVE WAY TO TRAFFIC COMING FROM YOUR RIGHT ON A ROUNDABOUT' isn't clear and good enough, you have to be able to prove if they ignore that, they are 'at fault' “ What is it with the Police these days....why have road laws at all, I wonder when it seems to me you can just ignore them? I am then told that I was on a moped (they obviously do not know the difference between a pedal bike with a little motor on it and a full blown 250cc motorbike. I am told I was on Southbourne Grove, which is another street, totally different to Southbourne Rd. Another example of the slack standards of the Police these days when they cannot get anything right as they are all a bunch of ignorant thickos. Never mind; what are a few discrepancies like this when all we want is to get rid of you and protect one of ours??? I was told that witness accounts (note, these were only verbal and not written thus opening the way for any bent cop to say they had said anything that suited his agenda and that is why I was insistent that I made a written statement) and you will see shortly the ramifications of this. The driver a Mr Simmonds of Christchurch was alleged to have said quite a lot, amounting to no less than 14 lines and because they put ****** at the beginning and end of those lines it conveys that he actually had said a lot more. Of course it was all absolute lies and not at all credible or believable. “he did not believe he was part of the RTC” so if he felt that why did he stop and come over to me and reply to me when I asked him why he had failed to give way to me “You were cutting the roundabout” That again begs the question that even if I was, does that give a driver who should give way the legal excuse to not give way with consequences that could be fatal? If you ever watch how people drive through junctions with mini roundabouts, you will see that 95% of them do not drive around the roundel and that is because they are all to small and tight to do so. So according to Mr Simmonds they all run the risk of not being given way to when turning right. It's a nonsense and the police know it is. Simmonds admits he saw me approaching him and INDICATING I was turning right. His excuse for not giving way was “He believed he had enough time to clear the roundabout, but I cut the roundabout rather than go round thus ALMOST causing an RTC” It is so unbelievable that one can only wonder why the Police believed a word of it. He then goes on to make an unbelievable statement which in my opinion damns him completely, yet the police were obviously so into protecting that they let it slide over their heads. “Mr Simmonds said he accelerated to prevent an RTC.” So I was faced with a situation of a car just about 20 feet in front of me that suddenly accelerates, so it was no wonder my brain had went into survival mode and made me slam on the brakes. Next he says; “that if the moped had gone round the roundabout there would have been plenty of time for both vehicles to clear the junction”. If he did say this then he is talking about this junction as if it were a normal roundabout instead of a small mini roundabout with a mere 20 feet from side to side. In fact I had not even reached the centre of the roundel and had come off a mere few feet after my 'give way dotted line' My bike went on and fell adjacent to the roundel AND it was not on the wrong side of it or the road. If you study carefully what he has said, it is a mish mash of conflicting statements. First he got the first so accelerated to clear it before me, then he had gone through before me and I had cut the roundabout behind him and had merely fallen off. Why would I do that one wonders and the police certainly should have wondered that. Then he tries to make out that the roundabout is so large I had time to circumnavigate the roundel and that would take me so long that he would be able to nip through. It all beggars belief that the Police would believe a word of it. They then talk about “Fully independent witnesses 1 and 2.” One says I came from the direction of Southbourne Grove when I was on Southbourne Road. The car went straight ahead and was already entering the junction before the moped got there. It then entered the roundabout skidded and he fell off” Again is this a credible description of what really happened or words put into the mouth of this witness.? I say that because at this time I had no way to confirm with her as I was not supplied with the names and addresses of BOTH witnesses. Was either of these, the woman who said she would confirm I was not at fault yet did not ring me?? Witeness 2 is alleged to have said; *****“ She did not see the whole thing just saw the moped wobble and fall and was cutting the roundabout, that the moped definitely cut the roundabout”**** Again it would seem that she had said more than this as with witness 1, yet I only get a simplified version. Note that it was necessary for this witness to not only say I cut the roundabout once, but to then repeat that as if she was having to make that point? Very fishy. I immediately got my solicitor to ask for all the papers of this case and after a very long wait, you will see what I found out re these witnesses. Witness 2 would turn out to be the lynch pin of this example of typical POLICE CORRUPTION IN DORSET AND ELSEWHERE!! The following statements made by this vacuous woman at the crash desk, a Mrs Crisp, really took the cake. I think she must have been eating a bag of crisps when she looked at this case and not concentrating on the FACTS of the case. No really, she had obviously been given her instructions as to what decision to come to, by PC Brown! “The evidence (what a laugh, what evidence) was also supported by photographs taken at the scene. The position of your bike following the incident suggests you were actually cutting the roundabout” (It didn't) “having considered all the evidence I had to conclude that you were the person at fault in this collision. I decided to take no further action because you had already suffered serious injury and damage to your motorcycle (now it has suddenly morphed into a motorcycle from the oft repeated statement that it was a little moped.)” How gracious of her, but it's all lies and bullshit, because she knew that if I was charged and with what? I would have appealed and the truth would have all come out in the subsequent court case. They wouldn't want that would they? My coming up to the roundabout indicating I was turning right, no matter what path I would take, gives me the legal right of passage...... END OF STORY. Of course all this from the Crash Desk shows that they were not interested in looking at the real facts and asking pertinent questions:- 1/ Why would a person of my age and driving experience risk his life just like that after 56 years of crash free driving, suddenly throw all that away and do a Kamikazee act that could kill me????? 2/ If I did cut the roundabout in this act why was it that Simmonds never hit me while I was cutting across his path?? 3/ If I was cutting the roundabout why did I land a few feet from my give way line and my bike having gone on only reach the edge of the roundel, in line with the centre line of the road?? 4/ If they had taken into account what the law says about roundabouts and what Simmonds admitted re seeing me approaching him AND indicating a right turn, then ACCELERATING, they would have had to conclude he was driving dangerously and without regard for all the laws. I then asked my solicitor to get all the documents relating to this case, written statements, photo's and the investigation report by PC Brown. After paying £90 and waiting for weeks, what we got was NOT all the documents that I knew were there. No photos, no written statements by Simmonds or the two witnesses. Only my written statement. The so called investigation report was a disgrace which if this was what the Crash Desk based their conclusion on, shows just how corrupt, incompetent and downright useless the police are in such matters. MY SOLICITOR WHO SPECIALISES IN SUCH CASES SAYS THAT THE DORSET POLICE ARE SIMPLY NOT INTERESTED IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS AND DEALING WITH THEM PROPERLY. THIS CASE SHOWS THAT TO BE TRUE. We have since then repeatedly asked for the missing documents and at the time of writing in early November we still have nothing and the police have made feeble excuses and even intimated that they will not give them up. That damns them to hell and back, does it not? Before I had got the Crash Desk report and decision I had rung the police to enquire how I should complain about the way PC Brown had handled the investigation. I was told to write into Boscombe Police Station to the Duty Inspector. I did that on the 10th April and of course got no reply. So I eventually on the 15th May sent in an Official Complaint to the Chief Constable complaining that PC Brown had not conducted his investigation impartially nor by the rules and had let me down all round and had not kept me up to date as he should have. Of course he never gets to see any of these complaints letter as they are waylaid by his minions and he will be blissfully unaware of any volume or the specifics of complaints. Too high up the greasy pole for all that type of low down business to be bothering him especially as we now know he had his decision to retire on his fat pension, on his mind..... GOOD RIDDANCE TO ANOTHER LOAD OF OVERPAID RUBBISH, I SAY. I was eventually assigned a civilian complaints person the aptly named Mr Mole to nose his way into my complaint!! It was when I saw him at a meeting, I saw the photos, one of which confirmed my recollection that my bike had not even ended up on the wrong side of the road/roundabout. To cut a long story short he investigated more than what I had complained about for at this meeting I also was able to voice my suspicions about what the alleged witnesses had said. But then he had to didn't he, interviewed both witnesses. Crucially as I've said witness 2 NEVER EVER SAID THAT I HAD CUT THE ROUNDABOUT AND HAD ACTUALLY TOLD HIM THAT THE MOTORIST WAS GOING TOO FAST TO BE ABLE TO STOP. NOR HAD SHE DESCRIBED MY MOTORBIKE AS A MOPED AND SAID I WAS NOT AT FAULT! Mole also said that they would not change their decision to not charge Simmonds the driver, even though their original one and only excuse to not do that, was that I was at fault for cutting the roundabout as per the witness who they now knew had not said that. I WONDER WHY THEY WON'T CHANGE THEIR MIND?? IT IS BECAUSE THE CORRUPT DEORSET POLICE WILL ALWAYS PROTECT ONE OF THEIR OWN. It would not do to have one of their own charged with the perversion of justice. I was prepared to not go to the IPCC after this refusal, if they would take on an appeal from me on their decision not to charge Simmonds, but we all know how useless they are for; THE IPCC (The Benevolent Society for the protection of incompetent and bent coppers)ARE 80% FULL OF EX COPS DOING THEIR DIRTY WORK AS 'ONCE A COP ALWAYS A COP.' PLUS THEY HAVE NO TEETH AND ONLY MAKE EXCUSES FOR THEIR BRETHEREN!! This is exactly what Mr Moley has done. By telling me I can always go to the IPCC if I am not satisfied that all he is doing is issuing PC Brown with 'A misconduct notice' which to you and me is a mere slap on his wrist. I have written about all this to my MP, the Public schoolboy toff, one TOBIAS ELLWOOD, yet another useless MP who is only there to make easy money. Back in 1998 or so, I went to him on another case case of corruption by a government department, the Intellectual Property Office, that had very heavily affected me and my business and ultimately my health and early forced retirement.(Hence why I cannot afford a car to run round in) He had then done nothing on my behalf, just wasn't interested. His manner was so bad I ended up having a slanging match telling him what I thought of him. With this case basically all he has done is tell the police that I have complained about them yet he never sent me a copy of his letter so I can bet if it did go it was not strong enough and it has had no effect at all. He too has told me to go to the IPCC. When I told him that they were useless and full of ex-cops, all he could say was they could not be so, as they were not allowed to be ex-cops by law. So it just shows how ignorant on the facts he is and ONCE AGAIN HE REALLY IS NOT INTERESTED TO STAND UP FOR ME OR TO REMONSTRATE WITH HIS LOCAL POLICE!! ( Only interested in his fat wages and expenses and other fat jobs on top of his alleged MP work) Par for the course once again. So I sent in a five page letter of appeal to their decision and after weeks and weeks got a reply of one and a half pages of a refusal to change the decision, in reply to my 5 pages!!. I fully expected this as you can guess, but I was staggered by the reason give me by this woman writer (not a cop, maybe a solicitor and if so what does she know about traffic laws and riding a motorcycle ????) for her refusal. She stated that it was apparent that we both arrived at the mini roundabout at the same time “but for some unknown reason I became parted from my scooter” Can you believe the bare faced cheek of this woman? What happened to the law that says that on roundabouts you give way to the right?? What about the full explanation I gave as to how it came about that I came off?? What about the fact that Simmonds in his statement, ADMITTED HE SAW ME INDICATING I WAS TURNING RIGHT AND YET HE SPEEDED UP SO AS TO GET THROUGH THE ROUNDABOUT BEFORE ME????? It is an example of Police corruption and what bare faced lengths they will go to to deny one justice, for their own ends. It is about time that the police can be exposed to being sued for stuff like this. So I have reluctantly sent in a full report and complaint to the IPCC as I will not let them get away with this kind of thing, but as you will guess, I have no faith whatsoever, at the end of the day, that they will or can do anything. If I were rich how different it would be, for in the UK Justice is only for the rich AND TERRORISTS LIKE ABU QATADA ET AL!! THE RECENT OUTCOME OF THE HILLSBOROUGH CASE, SHOWS YOU JUST HOW CORRUPT THE BRITISH POLICE ARE. THAT A CASE WILL ONLY GET SOMEWHERE BECAUSE OF THE MEDIA INTEREST, AND THE FACT THAT A LARGE BODY OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN AFFECTED SO CAN THEN BAND TOGETHER, IS WHAT GETS RESULTS. AS THE PEOPLE OF LIVERPOOL HAVE SHOWN. AND NOW A LOT OF PEOPLE IN THE LEGAL WORLD WILL WANT TO GET ON THE BANDWAGON, TO BOLSTER THEIR IMAGE ETC. For individuals like me and many others at the end of even more Police and government bodies and their corruption/incompetence, we are on our own and up shits creek without a paddle. However the more articles like this get on the web the better. Maybe one day thanks to the web we will get the Police force, local officials and politicians who now are only interested in sticking their greedy snouts into the trough etc , the we really deserve?? What's the betting? Ken Cook. Bournemouth. November 12th 2012. |